Use an eggbeater to whip heavy

Mix sugar and egg yolk in a bowl. In a pan, heat milk over low/medium heat and then slowly add the gelatin. Pour pill gel capsules the mousse in a cup of any desired mould and freeze. Empty the mixture into glasses or cups and let it chill in a cool, dry place.. Use warm water to dissolve green tea powder. Gently fold into the mixture. Stir well and cool the bowl in a larger bowl filled with ice water. After 10 minutes, melt the gelatin in a microwave and stir in the blueberry puree. Beat the egg white and sugar in a bowl until stiff and then fold into the puree.

Use an eggbeater to whip heavy cream into the whipped cream. Recipes courtesy: Amit Sharma from Poetry by Love & CheesecakeMatcha green tea mousseIngredients:10 gm gelatin powder 2 egg yolk 15 ml water245 ml milk100 gm sugar 235 gm heavy cream10 ml warm water 1 tbsp matcha green tea powderMethod:Mix gelatin powder in water. Finally fold the cream into this mixture. Add this to the previous mixture.These oh-so-creamy mousse recipes are perfect for the days you want to indulge, without spending much time in the kitchen Blueberry mousse Ingredients:55 ml egg white 190 ml cream 75 gm castor sugar 25 gm gelatin powder 275 gm blueberry puree Method: In a glass bowl, soak the gelatin in cold water. After 10 minutes, melt in the microwave and sieve to remove any lumps. While stirring, add the milk to the egg yolk mixture.

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